Retail Fixture Preservation & Restoration

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Improve Cost Efficiency & Stay up to Spec with Preventative Maintenance

With our proprietary A.I.M. (Assessment / Inspection / Maintenance) program we’ll assess and inspect each facility to get them and keep them up to world-class spec with a proven and effective process.

Common Service Areas Include:

  • Fixtures
    • Tables
    • Chairs & Seat Pans
    • Furniture
    • Cabinetry & Shelving 
    • Drawers (including hardware & mechanical repair)
  • Doors (including mechanical – locks, keypads, etc.)
  • Stair Treads and Railings
  • Employee Areas
  • Custom / Specialty Features

UV Finishing

With the need to clean and sanitize surfaces more than ever, our customers need a finish that can hold up to the constant wear and tear from chemicals in the cleaners. That’s why we’ve developed an extremely durable UV finishing process for fixtures and other wood surfaces. This new UV finish can hold up to harsh cleaners and hand sanitizers and still looks like new at the end of the day.

uv finishing
refinished seats ready to ship

Refinishing Exchange Programs

When one of the world’s leading computer and smartphone retailers came to us with a need to repair and/or replace worn out wooden seats in their stores, we knew we’d have to reimagine our typical process. In response, we developed our refinishing exchange program. This process ensures they can refresh the chairs in every store without causing them to lose even a minute of available seating for their customers. This process also prevents any of these wooden seats from ending up in a land fill.

Keep fixtures up to spec & reduce replacement cost.

Contact us today, and one of our representatives will be happy to discuss your project needs.